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Air Cleaners

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Recent and Ongoing Activities

DOE published a direct final rule to establish new energy conservation standards for air cleaners in the Federal Register on April 11, 2023. DOE has determined that the comments received in response to the direct final rule do not provide a reasonable basis for withdrawing the direct final rule. Therefore, DOE has published Federal Register document confirming adoption of the energy conservation standards established in the direct final rule and announcing the effective date of those standards.

  • The effective date of August 9, 2023, for the direct final rule published April 11, 2023 (88 FR 21752) is confirmed. Compliance with the new standards established in the direct final rule will be required on December 31, 2023.

DOE has published a Federal Register direct final rule pertaining to energy conservation standards for air cleaners. The Energy Policy and Conservation Act (EPCA), authorizes the Secretary of Energy to classify additional types of consumer products as covered products upon determining that: (1) classifying the product as a covered product is necessary for the purposes of EPCA; and (2) the average annual per-household energy use by products of such type is likely to exceed 100 kilowatt-hours per year (“kWh/yr”). In a final determination published on July 15, 2022, DOE determined that classifying air cleaners as a covered product is necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of EPCA, and that the average U.S. household energy use for air cleaners is likely to exceed 100 kWh/yr. In this direct final rule, DOE is establishing standards for air cleaners. DOE has determined that standards for these products will result in significant conservation of energy, and are technologically feasible and economically justified.

  • The effective date of this rule is August 9, 2023, unless adverse comment is received by July 31, 2023.
  • If adverse comments are received that DOE determines may provide a reasonable basis for withdrawal of the direct final rule, a timely withdrawal of this rule will be published in the Federal Register. If no such adverse comments are received, compliance with the standards established for air cleaners in this direct final rule is required on and after December 31, 2023.

Final Determination

Final Determination
  • Federal Register, 87FR42297 (July 15, 2022)

For the latest information on the planned timing of future DOE regulatory milestones, see the current Office of Management and Budget Unified Agenda of Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions. All planned dates are preliminary and subject to change.


Direct Final Rule; Confirmation

Direct Final Rule

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Comment Period Reopening 
  • Federal Register, 87FR11326 (March 1, 2022)
Request For Information
  • Federal Register, 87FR3702 (January 26, 2022)
Notification of Proposed Determination
  • Federal Register, 86FR51629 (September 16, 2021)


The Air Cleaners energy conservation standard rulemaking docket EERE-2021-BT-STD-0035 contains all notices, public comments, public meeting transcripts, and supporting documents pertaining to this rulemaking. 

Public Meeting Information:

There is no public meeting scheduled at this time.

Submitting Public Comments

The comment period is closed.

Test Procedure

Final Rule
  • Federal Register, 88FR14014 (March 6, 2023)
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Request for Comment and Public Meeting
  • Federal Register, 87FR63324 (October 18, 2022)
Comment Period Reopening
  • Federal Register, 87FR11326 (March 1, 2022)
Request For Information
  • Federal Register, 87FR3702 (January 26, 2022)


Public Meeting Information

There is no public meeting scheduled at this time.

Submitting Public Comments

Current Standard

Helpful Links

Contact information

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