Introduction to Level 3 for SEP™
Level 3 for Superior Energy Performance® (SEP™) is designed to help manufacturing, and water and wastewater treatment facilities take their energy management systems (EnMS) to the next level. Level 3 extends the EnMS developed in Level 2 for ISO 50001 and provides steps to meet the enhanced management practices and rigorous energy performance metrics of the SEP program. SEP emphasizes measurable savings through a transparent, independent, and highly regarded verification process.
What is SEP?
The SEP certification program is designed to drive systematic energy performance improvement across manufacturing facilities from a wide range of sectors, sizes, and energy management experience — significantly reducing energy use and carbon emissions. SEP builds on the ISO 50001 energy management standard and adds performance metrics that provide credible results of a facility’s energy performance improvement.
Facilities certified to SEP are leaders in energy management and productivity improvement. To become certified, facilities must implement an energy management system that meets the ISO 50001 standard and demonstrate improved energy performance. An independent third party audits each facility to verify achievements and qualify it at the Silver, Gold, or Platinum level, based on their level of energy performance improvement and energy management practices.
The following key documents define SEP program requirements in more detail and describe the process for participation. Level 3 of the eGuide is designed to help your organization navigate the SEP certification process and the use of these documents.
- ISO 50001 is the international energy management system standard and one of the key requirements for implementing SEP. Level 2 of the eGuide is devoted to ISO 50001 implementation.
- ANSI/MSE 50021-2013 is the U.S. energy management system standard that contains additional EnMS requirements for SEP that go beyond ISO 50001. ANSI/MSE 50021 contains three normative references:
- The SEP Certification Protocol describes the purpose of the SEP program and defines the steps required for participation—from initial application through certification by an ANSI-ANAB accredited Verification Body. It also provides a high level view of the energy performance improvement criteria for Silver, Gold, and Platinum achievement levels.
- The SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol defines the methods and practices required to set up the metrics needed to calculate energy performance improvement.
- The SEP Scorecard defines the scoring system and credits by which facilities can acquire enough credits to achieve Gold and Platinum certification. The credits recognize achievement and award points in three primary ways;
- attaining energy performance improvement above a minimum threshold for a given SEP achievement period, (e.g., five percent every three years),
- improving their EnMS to go beyond the basic requirements in ISO 50001 and ANSI/MSE 50021, and
- implementing advanced practices and technologies that demonstrate a commitment to strategic national interests, such as renewable energy and combined heat and power.
How SEP Can Help Your Organization
- Drives deeper, sustained savings: Using ISO 50001 as a foundation, SEP encourages a rigorous data-driven approach to energy management system implementation, leading to greater energy and cost savings.
- Provides transparent, credible record of performance: To confirm energy performance improvement achievements and conformance to ISO 50001, SEP uses only Verification Bodies accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the ANSI-ASQ National Accreditation Board (ANAB).
- Equips your organization with industry-tested tools to capture the value of ISO 50001 and improve performance: This eGuide and other SEP-specific resources help facilities improve their energy management capabilities, whether or not they intend to pursue certification. See the Toolbox and Expertise.
- Trains and qualifies Certified Practitioners in EnMS to assist your organization with EnMS implementation: An accredited credentialing program qualifies experts to help implement an EnMS. These experts possess dual skill sets in energy efficiency and continual business improvement, which is a relatively new combination to many companies. Hire a Certified Practitioner in EnMS, or send your staff to the training to increase your organization’s in-house expertise on energy management and to maximize your benefit from ISO 50001 and SEP.
How to Use Level 3 for SEP
Each section in Level 3 for SEP organizes guidance into the following categories:
Transition to SEP –Provides an overview of how to transform the activities from Level 2 to conform to the requirements of SEP.
ANSI/MSE 50021 –Describes the SEP requirements established by ANSI/MSE 50021 and how the requirements are applied to the activities related to the associated step.
SEP Measurement and Verification Protocol (M&V Protocol) – Explains the requirements of modeling and measuring energy performance for SEP, as described in the SEP Measurement and Verification Protocol.
SEP Scorecard Credits for Gold & Platinum Achievement Levels –Describes the activities and processes involved in earning credits to attain Gold and Platinum levels for SEP certification, as described in the SEP Scorecard.
Resources –The links in this section of each step connect you with the normative documents referenced in the step.
Level 3 for SEP is built on the corresponding steps from Level 2 for ISO 50001, and it contains SEP guidance and requirements that are not addressed in ISO 50001. For organizations pursuing SEP certification, Levels 2 and 3 are intended to be used together.
Figure 1 compares Level 2 and 3 sub-steps side-by-side. Level 3 sub-steps describe the SEP requirements, SEP Scorecard credits for Gold or Platinum levels, or guidance beyond the corresponding Level 2 sub-step. Some Level 2 sub-steps do not have an associated sub-step in Level 3.
Figure 1. Relationship of eGuide Level 2 and Level 3 Sub-steps
Level 2 - ISO 50001 content only | Level 3 - SEP Content |
1.1 Learn energy management system basics | N/A |
1.2 Understand and communicate benefits | Guidance only |
1.3 Secure top management commitment | N/A |
1.4 Appoint an energy management representative | N/A |
1.5 Establish an energy team | Scorecard credits only |
1.6 Identify the EnMS scope and boundaries | Requirements |
1.7 Define the energy policy | N/A |
1.8 Create organizational awareness | Scorecard credits only |
1.9 Ensure ongoing management responsibility | Requirements |
2.1 Identify and evaluate legal and other requirements | Requirements |
2.2 Identify energy sources and uses | Requirements |
2.3 Collect energy bills and other data | Requirements and Scorecard credits |
2.4 Analyze energy consumption and costs | Guidance only |
2.5 Determine significant energy uses | Scorecard credits only |
2.6 Identify and prioritize energy opportunities | Scorecard credits only |
2.7 Determine performance metrics | Requirements and Scorecard credits |
2.8 Establish baseline(s) | Requirements |
2.9 Establish energy performance improvement objectives and targets | Scorecard credits only |
2.10 Select energy opportunities | N/A |
2.11 Prepare action plans | Requirements |
3.1 Ensure proper resources are allocated | N/A |
3.2 Execute the action plan(s) | Requirements |
3.3 Manage and control information | Requirements |
3.4 Address training and communication needs | Requirements and Scorecard credits |
3.5 Establish operational controls | Scorecard credits only |
3.6 Manage energy considerations in design | Scorecard credits only |
3.7 Incorporate energy considerations in procurement | Scorecard credits only |
3.8 Define specifications for purchasing energy supply | N/A |
4.1 Measure, monitor and analyze performance metrics | Requirements and Scorecard credits |
4.2 Respond to deviations in energy performance | N/A |
4.3 Evaluate compliance with legal and other requirements | N/A |
4.4 Plan and conduct internal audits | Requirements |
4.5 Correct and prevent nonconformities | Requirements and Scorecard credits |
5.1 Conduct management review of performance | Requirements |
5.2 Recognize success and communicate results | Guidance only |
5.3 Take action to continually improve | N/A |
For More Information
Superior Energy Performance home page
Copies of the ANSI/MSE 50021-2013 standard, Superior Energy Performance®–Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems, can be purchased from ANSI.
SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol
SEP Scorecard Tool
Become an Energy Management Professional (CP EnMS)
eGuide Level 3 content is based on SEP standards and normative documents that are protected by copyright. eGuide Level 3 content is not part of a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.