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Step 5 Review for Continual Improvement

An ISO 50001 energy management system (EnMS) is focused on improving energy management and achieving continual improvement in energy performance. Therefore, your organization must have a process to periodically review and evaluate its energy performance and the EnMS to identify and take action on opportunities for their improvement.

Reviewing, evaluating, and then taking appropriate actions to improve the EnMS and ensure energy performance improvement is Step 5, the “ACT” part of the PLAN-DO-CHECK-ACT continual improvement cycle upon which ISO 50001 is based.

The review and evaluation is conducted in the form of management review. Management review is the responsibility of top management. Based on data and other information presented during the review, management makes decisions regarding any needed changes. The decisions made during management review lead to actions which ensure the system’s ongoing adequacy, suitability and effectiveness, as well as the continual improvement of both energy performance and the EnMS.

In addition to taking action on the decisions made by top management in the management review, it is imperative that employees are kept informed of the status and progress of your organization’s efforts to implement energy management and improve energy performance. Ongoing communication across your organization about energy and the successes that have been achieved helps employees understand the tangible benefits of the ISO 50001 EnMS and encourages their continued buy-in and participation. Energy team members and other personnel who have contributed to the success of the EnMS and energy saving results should be recognized. This is fundamental to developing an energy-conscious organizational culture.

Step 5 Review for Continual Improvement will help ensure that your organization has the continual improvement processes needed to:

  • Review and take appropriate action on the results generated by your EnMS and energy performance improvement efforts;
  • Maintain and adjust the EnMS so it remains relevant and sustains the energy savings achieved over the long term; and
  • Establish an organizational culture that embeds energy management into daily activities and recognizes energy management and performance improvement successes.

The Steps involved in Review for Continual Improvement are: