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Step 3 Implement Energy Management

The primary focus of this step—after first making sure you have the proper resources available—is to implement the actions plans that you developed in Step 2. The other important part of this step is to develop or augment support systems for energy improvement, such as energy management related communications to employees, operational controls, energy management training, or additional documentation such as checklists or work instructions. These support systems will help to seamlessly integrate energy into how your organization does business.

eGuide Level 1, Step 3 Implement Energy Management involves the following:

Advancing from Foundational Level 1 to ISO 50001 Level 2 for Step 3

Ensuring that the necessary resources, training, communication and operational controls are addressed in action plans and that they are kept in place to sustain the energy savings was your focus in implementing foundational energy management (Level 1). ISO 50001 (Level 2) expands this focus considerably to address additional controls for the action plans, as well as for the significant energy uses (SEUs) and other energy uses that can have a major impact on your organization’s energy performance. Additional controls and other requirements are applied to information management, design processes, procurement functions, and internal and external communication.

In transitioning from foundational energy management to ISO 50001, you begin to integrate energy performance improvement efforts, management of the SEUs, and compliance with legal and other requirements into your organization’s existing business processes and daily operations. Energy management and energy performance improvement become management system focused. It is also here that personnel across the organization become more aware of the energy impacts of their work activities and more engaged in the energy management system through their assigned energy-related roles and responsibilities.

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