At this point in developing your energy management program, you should have implemented your action plan, and measured results, and you should be continuing to monitor and analyze the data you are collecting. However, if you notice any unexpected deviations in energy performance, you’ll need to investigate and take action to address them during this step.
Once you complete this step, you’ll be ready to move to Step 5 (Review for Continual Improvement).
Advancing from Foundational Level 1 to ISO 50001 Level 2 for Step 4.2
As you learned in Step 4.1, ISO 50001 requires monitoring, measurement and analyses of a variety of energy performance data. An important part of tracking energy performance is identifying when a metric is indicating an uncharacteristic value. This is a deviation from the values that are expected. ISO 50001 wants your organization to define for itself what level of change would be considered significant and warrant investigation. Understanding why a metric is outside expected limits helps your organization identify the factors that can impact its energy performance. It also enables you to take appropriate actions if needed to address the situation.
So, for each of the key characteristics that you monitor, measure and analyze in Step 4.1, you will need to define what constitutes a significant deviation that would then be investigated for potential action. What is considered to be a “significant deviation” may be different for each of the key characteristics. You can document this information in the energy measurement plan that you developed in Step 4.1.
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