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Step 2.7 Determine performance metrics

In the prior step (2.6), you identified and prioritized energy performance opportunities. However, before you can prepare and implement action plan(s) for your highest priority opportunities, you need to first determine appropriate performance metrics that will allow you to measure energy performance improvement. These energy performance metrics are called energy performance indicators (EnPIs). EnPIs can be determined at a number of levels—at your organizational level, at a building or plant level, or for a specific piece of equipment. For any one of these levels, by determining an appropriate EnPI, you will be able to measure energy performance improvement by comparing current EnPIs to past (baseline) EnPIs.

Advancing from Foundational Level 1 to ISO 50001 Level 2 for Step 2.7

Energy performance metrics are necessary to evaluate energy performance and determine if it is improving. For foundational energy management (Level 1) you identified energy performance indicators (EnPIs) focusing on either a simple metric, such as consumption, or a ratio of energy per unit called energy intensity. Once you begin evaluating energy performance you may determine that the impact of other variables make evaluation using consumption or energy intensity unreliable. ISO 50001 (Level 2) can involve more sophisticated models.

ISO 50001 requires that the methodology for determining and updating the EnPIs be recorded and regularly reviewed. Changes in facilities, equipment, systems or processes can impact the validity of the EnPI(s) and they must be regularly reviewed to ensure their continuing suitability.

Advance to Next Level

How to do it

There is one associated task you will need to complete:

2.7.1 Determine energy performance indicators (EnPIs)

The energy team is typically responsible for determining a list of potential energy performance indicators (EnPIs). A helpful starting point is the Checklist of Potential EnPIs resource which shows a list of potential EnPIs to consider using. The EnPIs you select should effectively convey energy performance for your plant or commercial facility, production line, or process.

If your organization is just getting started with EnPIs, consider establishing simple EnPIs such as the following:

  1. A single metric, such as annual or monthly consumption;
  2. A ratio or per unit basis such as Btu per square foot (Btu/ft2), Btu per occupant (Btu/person), or Btu per pound production (Btu/lb.).

Often, changes in your process, equipment, operating procedures, or materials require a change in the EnPI. As such, be sure to review your organization’s EnPIs on a regular basis and make changes whenever appropriate.

Resources & Examples