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Step 5.2 Recognize success and communicate results

The final part of the review is to recognize and celebrate successes and communicate the results of the energy management program both internally and when appropriate, externally. This step is important in sustaining support for your energy management program, and recognizing success is also a proven method to help motivate staff through increased job satisfaction. In addition, external recognition of the energy management program helps provide positive publicity and validation to the entire organization.

Advancing from Foundational Level 1 to ISO 50001 Level 2 for Step 5.2

There is not much difference between foundational energy management (Level 1) and ISO 50001 (Level 2) in terms of recognizing successes and communicating results. At Level 1 you focus on the energy project successes and the recognition of contributing personnel. At Level 2 you have a broader set of accomplishments that can provide examples of successes, such as:

  • Focusing resources on significant energy uses,
  • Improved personnel awareness of energy impacts of job activities,
  • Energy saving ideas from the suggestion/comment system, and
  • Lessons learned as part of EnMS implementation.

At both Level 1 and Level 2, the goal of communicating results is to recognize the progress made and successes achieved, and to enhance workforce energy awareness. Recognizing personnel for their participation and contribution promotes a sense of “team” and encourages positive energy behaviors and involvement.

Advance to Next Level

How to do it

There is one associated task you will need to complete:

5.2.1 Recognize success and communicate results

During the management review meeting, it can be helpful for the energy team to show a list of successful energy projects and the key personnel who were instrumental to these successes. Internal recognition of individuals, teams, departments, or overall facility accomplishments is also appropriate to all levels of the organization through employee meetings, or memos. In addition, consider other forms of recognition such as certificates, awards, salary increases, or bonuses.

Also consider pursuing external recognition or certification from entities such as ENERGY STAR, the International Organization for Standardization (e.g., ISO 50001), Superior Energy Performance (SEP), state energy programs, trade associations, or utility recognition programs. These external recognition efforts may need more effort to meet their specific requirements, but if you have carefully followed the steps of this Level 1 of the eGuide, you will have established a strong foundation to pursue certification or recognition from these external programs. Level 2 of this eGuide provides guidance on ISO 50001 certification. For industrial facilities, Level 3 provides guidance on the SEP program.

Resources & Examples

  • EPA ENERGY STAR Guidelines for Energy Management: Contains a step-by-step road map for continuous improvement, based on best practices as compiled by the EPA ENERGY STAR Program. Refer to Step 7 of the ENERGY STAR Guidelines for guidance specific to eGuide Step 5.2.