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Step 1.5 Establish an energy team

Transition to SEP

ISO 50001 implementation requires that you establish an energy team. There are no additional ANSI/MSE 50021 or SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol (M&V Protocol) requirements but there are SEP Scorecard credits related to the energy team.

How to do it

There are no additional requirements related to establishing your energy team but there are two scorecard credits available.

ANSI/MSE 50021

There are no additional requirements related to ANSI/MSE 50021.

SEP M&V Protocol

There are no additional requirements related to the SEP M&V Protocol.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

Organizations seeking Gold and Platinum certification levels have an opportunity to acquire SEP Scorecard credits by enhancing the energy team composition. The credits related to the energy team are listed below.

Related SEP Scorecard Credits

Energy Supply (ES) Credit 1.1: Include procurement personnel on energy team (2 possible points)
System Sustainability (SS) Credit 1.1: Resources: energy management team (2 possible points)

ES Credit 1.1 – To receive the points for this credit your organization must include energy procurement personnel on the energy team. This energy team enhancement will promote communication and interaction between the personnel that procure energy supply and those that manage energy use, consumption, and performance. Procurement personnel will be expected to regularly participate in energy team meetings, provide awareness training on energy procurement bids and contracts to the energy team, and act as liaison to facilitate communication between energy procurement personnel and the energy team.

SS Credit 1.1 – You receive points for this credit by including top management on your organization’s energy team. This energy team enhancement will promote top management participation and involvement in your organization’s energy management system and help achieve consistent top management support. The top manager must regularly participate on the organization’s energy team.

Resources & Examples

SEP Scorecard