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Step 1.9 Ensure ongoing management responsibility

Transition to SEP

For the ISO 50001 EnMS to be successful, management must commit to continued support of the implementation and maintenance of the system by meeting their responsibilities as discussed in Step 1.9 of Level 2. ANSI/MSE 50021 specifies additional responsibilities for SEP.

How to do it

The following action will help you ensure ongoing management commitment:

1.9.3 Top management will ensure that SEnPI is appropriate

At Level 3 SEP™ Program level, your top management is responsible for ensuring the SEnPI covers the EnMS scope and boundaries. Reviewing the SEnPI and ensuring its appropriateness is typically accomplished during the management review process. This task relates to and builds upon task 1.9.2 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management, in which your top management should be briefed on, and plan for, meeting their EnMS responsibilities.

Requirements related to management responsibility are found in these key SEP resources:

ANSI/MSE 50021

  • Section 4.2 defines top management’s requirement for ensuring the SEnPI is appropriate to the EnMS scope. In a practical sense, this does not mean the top manager understands all the intricacies of SEnPI modelling. Top management typically uses the management review process to ensure the SEnPI is appropriate for calculating energy performance (see Step 5.1), it covers the entire EnMS scope (see Step 1.6) and the EnMS includes all the energy sources that cross the SEP boundary (see Step 2.2).
  • Section 4.4.5 requires that you include the SEnPI in the EnMS. This means that the SEnPI is identified within the EnMS as one of the EnPIs. For your organization to attain SEP certification you must ensure the SEP metrics, including the SEP energy performance indicator (SEnPI) (see Step 2.7) and its related baseline, become an integral part of the energy management system (EnMS).
  • Section 4.7.2 requires a review of the energy performance as it relates to the SEnPI as an input to management review.

SEP M&V Protocol

There are no additional requirements related to the SEP M&V Protocol.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

There are no Scorecard Credits for this step.

Resources & Examples

Copies of the ANSI/MSE 50021-2013 standard, Superior Energy Performance®–Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems, can be purchased from ANSI.