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Step 2.7 Determine performance metrics

Transition to SEP

The development of the performance metrics within the scope of your energy management system (EnMS) is determined by the nature of your organization and its operations and processes. For SEP, the performance achievement level is measured by the development of a performance metric named the SEP EnPI or SEnPI. ANSI/MSE 50021 and the SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol (M&V Protocol) provide SEnPI requirements. There are also SEP Scorecard credits related to the SEnPI.

How to do it

2.7.3 Include SEnPI that conforms to SEP M&V Protocol in EnMS performance indicators

When determining energy performance indicators, develop an SEnPI that conforms to SEP M&V Protocol. This task relates to and builds upon task 2.7.1 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management.

The following requirements address developing the SEnPI as a performance indicator:

ANSI/MSE 50021

  • Section 4.4.5 states that your EnMS performance indicators include the SEnPI and the SEnPI must conform to the appropriate M&V Protocol.

SEP M&V Protocol

  • Section 3 describes a process for organizing your facility energy source data and the relevant variables affecting energy performance. The data are used to develop an appropriate model normalizing energy performance for the achievement period utilizing an appropriate adjustment method (See SEP M&V Protocol section 3.4). The M&V Protocol also provides guidance on special cases for developing alternative models or making adjustments for SEnPI evaluation. See the SEP M&V Protocol for details on SEnPI development and use.

The Energy Footprint Tool and EnPI Tool, listed in the resources, is a useful spreadsheet tool you can download to assist with developing the SEnPI model discussed in this step. These tools are not required, but you might find them helpful with developing the required data, modeling your energy performance, and understanding the SEP model requirements.

SEP Pathway Performance Improvement Requirements

Pathway Requirements Level
Silver Gold Platinum
Minimum % improvement
Maximum years to achieve
5% 10% 15%
3* 3* 3*
Minimum % improvement
Maximum years to achieve
Minimum Best Practice Scorecard points
15% 15% 15%
10* 10* 10*
35 61 81

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

In addition to the relevant performance improvement requirements for the Mature Pathway, SEP certification requires a minimum number of points from the available credits in the SEP Scorecard as shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3. SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

Figure 3. SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway
Mature Pathway
Scorecard Minimum Points
SEP Achievement Level
Energy Performance (EI) Credits304040
Energy Performance (EI) Credits01020
Total SEP Scorecard Points (Min)356181

See the SEP Scorecard for the detailed requirements to determine scorecard points.

The SEP Scorecard identifies many credits related to the implementation and maintenance of the energy management system (EnMS). There are two credits in the SEP Scorecard related to establishing energy performance metrics. These credits are listed below.

Related SEP Scorecard Credits

Data Management (DM) Credit 2.2-Establish Benchmarks (2 possible points)
Significant Energy Uses (SU) Credit 4.2 - EnPIs for Significant Energy Uses (2 possible points)
Innovation (IC) Credit 3-Superior Performance with Benchmarks (1-3 possible points)

DM Credit 2.2 To receive points for this credit your organization must demonstrate the use of internal or external benchmarks to evaluate performance for similar organizations, processes, systems, or equipment. The records should demonstrate how the benchmarks are used to evaluate energy performance.

SU Credit 4.2 To receive points for this credit your organization must develop energy performance indicators (EnPIs) for each of the significant energy uses based on metered data or measurements. EnPIs shall be tracked on at least a monthly basis.

IC Credit 3 In order for your organization to be awarded points for this credit you must demonstrate a ranking within the top levels of a recognized external benchmark in accordance with the Benchmarking Credit points shown in Figure 4. Figure 4 shows the number of AP Credit 3 points awarded based on company position.

Figure 4. Benchmarking Credit Points

Figure 4. Benchmarking Credit Points
Company Position Relative to Benchmark LevelPoints
Top 25%1
Top 10%2
Top 5%3

Points can be awarded for DM Credit 2.2 and IC Credit 3. A recognized external benchmark is typically developed by credible organizations such as industry associations, government entities, or consulting groups.

Resources & Examples

DOE Energy Footprint tool

SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol

SEP Scorecard

EnPI Tool v4.0

SEP Scorecard Tool (SEP Scorecard Tool currently not available)

Copies of the ANSI/MSE 50021-2013 standard, Superior Energy Performance®–Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems, can be purchased from ANSI.