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Step 2.11 Prepare action plan(s)

Transition to SEP

The energy planning process described in ISO 50001 requires you to develop energy objectives, targets, and action plans (see Step 2.9 and Step 2.11 in Level 2). Scorecard credits are available for objectives and targets in SEP (see Step 2.9 in Level 3). ANSI/MSE 50021 and the SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol (M&V Protocol) provide additional requirements related to action plans. These are discussed below.

How to do it

The following actions will help you prepare your action plan(s):

2.11.5 Estimate anticipated energy savings

When developing your energy management action plan(s), estimate anticipated energy savings. (Actual energy savings are calculated after completion of the action plan.) This task relates to and builds upon task 2.11.1 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management.

2.11.6 Maintain a list of energy performance improvements

As a part of Level 3 SEP™ Program, you need to maintain a list of the energy performance improvements achieved through the action plans. This list will be used in the Bottom Up Sanity Check. This builds upon task 2.11.4 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management.

2.11.7 Perform Bottom Up Sanity Check

While maintaining a list of energy performance improvements, perform a Bottom Up Sanity Check. According to SEP M&V Protocol, the total of savings achieved by the Bottom Up Sanity Check must be at least equal to the performance improvement required of the specific achievement level attained. Additionally, the Bottom Up Sanity Check must also support Additional Energy Performance credit on the SEP Scorecard. This task relates to and builds upon task 2.11.4 and task 4.4.5 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management.

SEP Requirements related to your action plan(s) are found in these SEP resources:

ANSI/MSE 50021

Section 4.4.6 requires that each action plan implemented in your energy management system (EnMS) include an estimate of the anticipated energy savings. Additionally, each completed action plan shall include a determination of the actual savings achieved through the implementation of the action plan. The savings estimate and actual energy savings achieved can be determined in a method and form that is suitable to the action plan and your organization’s needs. The basis for your savings estimate and evaluation of actual savings achieved should be consistent with generally accepted engineering practice. The evaluation of actual savings achieved should reflect the action plan as it was implemented, recognizing that changes can occur during action plan implementation.

Section 4.4.6 also requires that your organization maintain a list of energy performance improvements. The development of the list for section 4.4.6 will be needed for the requirements identified below for the SEP M&V Protocol.

SEP M&V Protocol

Section 3.6.8 addresses the Bottom Up Sanity Check which uses the list of energy performance improvements to validate the energy performance improvement claim as measured by the SEnPI (See Step 2.7). The total of savings achieved by the Bottom Up Sanity Check must be at least equal to the performance improvement required of the specific achievement level attained.

For example, if your organization determined that it wanted to seek SEP Silver with a 3 year achievement period, you would be required to show a 5% improvement as measured by your SEnPI model. If your SEnPI model measured 6.2% improvement, the Bottom Up Sanity Check of the list of energy performance improvements must account for at least a 5% performance improvement.

Energy performance improvements made before the SEP Achievement Period may be maintained on the improvement list, but are not considered in the Bottom Up Sanity Check. The list of improvements in the Bottom Up Sanity Check is further restricted to only the improvements related to the energy sources measured with calibrated data in the SEnPI model.

Points claimed for the Additional Energy Performance credit on the SEP Scorecard must also be supported by the Bottom Up Sanity Check. The list of improvements must provide support for the energy performance above the achievement level claimed.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

There are no Scorecard Credits for this step.

Resources & Examples

SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol

SEP Scorecard

EnPI Tool v4.0

SEP Scorecard Tool (SEP Scorecard Tool currently not available)

Copies of the ANSI/MSE 50021-2013 standard, Superior Energy Performance®–Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems, can be purchased from ANSI.