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Step 2.9 Establish energy performance improvement objectives and targets

Transition to SEP

The implementation of ISO 50001 requires establishment, implementation and maintenance of documented energy objectives and targets (see Step 2.9 in Level 2). To demonstrate that your implementation of ISO 50001 has integrated SEP requirements, your desired SEP Achievement Level and related energy performance improvement should be included in the documented objectives and targets. There are no additional requirements related to ANSI/MSE 50021 or the SEP Measurement and Verification Protocol (SEP M&V Protocol) but there are SEP scorecard credits available.

How to do it

There are no additional requirements related to objectives and targets but there are scorecard credits available.

ANSI/MSE 50021

There are no additional requirements related to ANSI/MSE 50021.

SEP M&V Protocol

There are no additional requirements related to the SEP M&V Protocol.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

Organizations seeking certification under the Mature Pathway have an opportunity to acquire SEP Scorecard credits related to energy objectives and targets. The credits related to energy objectives and targets are listed below.

Related SEP Scorecard Credits

Energy Intensity Performance (EI) improvement Credit 1 (2 or more possible points)
System Sustainability (SS) Credit 1.4-Strategic planning (2-4 possible points)
Innovation (IC) Credit 1-Combined heat and power (1-5 possible points)
Innovation (IC) Credit 2-Renewable energy supply (1-5 possible points)
Innovation (IC) Credit 4-Other Innovative Actions (1-5 possible points)

EI Credit 1 This credit awards points for energy performance improvement above the required minimum performance improvement measured by the SEnPI as defined in the EI credit of the SEP Scorecard (see Level 3 Step 2.7). Two points are awarded for each 1% improvement above the minimum requirement.

SS Credit 1.4 Two points are available for your organization by demonstrating that your strategic plans address and provide resources for energy management priorities. Two points are available if your organization has committed to participate in the U.S. Department of Energy Better Buildings, Better Plants Program.

IC Credit 1 This credit recognizes the utilization of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) and increased energy utilization of existing fuel sources. 1 Point is available if your organization conducts a feasibility study within 3 years of the SEP certification audit. The feasibility study is not required to receive the additional points for this credit.

1 to 4 Points are awarded for installing and operating a CHP system. The points are awarded based on the percentage of on-site annual energy consumption replaced by the CHP system, as long as the CHP system has been operating for at least one year. For existing CHP systems, points for operating the system are based on the percentage of the three-year average annual site energy consumption that is replaced by the electrical and thermal energy output of the CHP system.

IC Credit 2 Your organization can receive points for this credit by installing and operating a renewable energy system. The points are based on the percentage of annual site energy consumption that is supplied by a renewable energy resource that is not a feedstock. For a system installed within 3 years prior to your application for SEP certification, the points are awarded based on the percentage of annual site energy consumption replaced by a renewable energy source, as long as the renewable energy system has been operating for one year. For existing renewable energy systems, points for operating the system are based on the percentage of the three year average on-site annual energy consumption that is replaced by renewable energy sources that are not a feedstock. Renewable energy is defined in the Federal EPACT 2005, and includes the following energy sources:

  • Solar
  • Wind
  • Biomass
  • Landfill Gas
  • Geothermal
  • Incremental Hydro
  • Ocean
  • Municipal Solid Waste

IC Credit 4 You earn points for this credit by implementing innovative emerging technologies and processes that result in energy performance improvement, that are beyond the standard practices of other sites in your industry sector, and not otherwise addressed in the scorecard. This credit requires submitting information about the technology or process to the SEP Administrator for approval prior to the audit.

Resources & Examples

SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol

SEP Scorecard

EnPI Tool v4.0

SEP Scorecard Tool (SEP Scorecard Tool currently not available)