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Step 2.3 Collect energy bills and other data

Transition to SEP

Once you have identified all the energy sources crossing the SEP boundary (see Step 1.6), you will need to gather the data for the SEnPI model. ANSI/MSE 50021 and the SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol (M&V Protocol) provide guidance and requirements on gathering and developing the data utilized in the SEnPI model.

How to do it

The following actions will help you meet SEP requirements for collecting energy bills and other data:

2.3.4 Energy and relevant variable data collected for baseline through achievement period for all sources

SEP imposes a specific time period to be covered by the energy and relevant variables data. Make sure you collect this data from the beginning of the baseline period through the end of the achievement period. The data needs to represent consistent, consecutive periods across the entire achievement period. Collect energy data to account for at least 95% of the source energy consumed by your organization.

This task relates to and builds upon task 2.3.1 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management.

2.3.5 Ensure energy source measurements meet SEP calibration requirements

Ensure that energy data is collected from calibrated sources. This could include for example utility meters and NOAA weather data. This task relates to and builds upon task 2.3.1 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management.

Additional requirements on collecting energy bills and other data are found in these key SEP resources:

ANSI/MSE 50021

Section 4.4.3 requires that the energy consumption and relevant variable data used in the SEnPI model be gathered from the beginning of the baseline period through the end of the achievement period. This includes data for the potential independent variables included in the model development.

Section 4.4.3 also requires the energy source data used in the SEnPI model account for 95% of the source energy consumed by your organization. To demonstrate this you will need to collect the energy consumption data for ALL sources, even the small ones that total less than the 5% acceptable for omission.

SEP M&V Protocol

Sections 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 provide the relevant guidance on data development including the data time frame. Typically the data used in the model, span complete, consistent annual periods, however, the data should represent consistent, consecutive periods across the entire achievement period.

Section 3.9 requires that you collect data from highly accurate control systems. The data from revenue utility meters are considered an acceptable source. Data from meters that need calibration will require that you also provide the appropriate calibration and meter repair records.

Section 3.9.3 covers the exception related to the small fraction of energy source data that cannot be supported with acceptable metered measurements.

(Please carefully review the entire M&V Protocol document for the SEP requirements related to measuring and verifying energy performance improvement.)

DOE Energy Footprint Tool

The DOE Energy Footprint Tool provides a convenient place to collect, manage and analyze energy data. The tool can be helpful to your organization in managing the energy data needed for foundational energy management, SEP or anywhere in between. It provides a convenient data export for the DOE Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI) tool, so that you are free from the burden of having to enter data in multiple locations for your energy management system.

DOE Energy Performance Indicator (EnPI) tool

The SEP EnPI Tool, listed in the resources, is a useful spreadsheet tool you can download to assist with developing the SEnPI model discussed in this step. This tool is not required, but you might find it helpful with modeling your energy performance and understanding the SEP model requirements. You can enter all the energy sources in Step 2.2 and the energy data you have collected in this step in the EnPI tool.

SEP Scorecard Credits for Gold & Platinum Achievement Levels

Organizations seeking Gold and Platinum certification levels have an opportunity to acquire SEP Scorecard credits by enhancing their data management. The credits related to data management are listed below.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

Organizations utilizing the Mature Pathway for their achievement have an opportunity to acquire SEP Scorecard credits by enhancing their data management. The credits related to data management are listed below.

Data Management (DM) Credit 1.2-Improve data collection & analysis (3 possible points)
Data Management (DM) Credit 3.1-Submeters (2-4 possible points)

DM Credit 1.2 For your organization to receive the points for this credit you must demonstrate, or show evidence, of improvements in the collection and use of energy data or data analysis techniques for the three years prior to application for SEP certification or recertification. You must demonstrate how the improvement led to new insights into energy performance or to the identification of performance improvement opportunities.
NOTE: The addition of submeters is not addressed by this credit. See DM Credit 3.1: Submeters.

DM Credit 3.1 Points for this credit are received for utilizing submeters to measure consumption of all energy sources of your significant energy uses (SEU) and to collect data for energy performance analysis. Submeter data has to be read on at least a monthly basis and included in the energy review and the measurement plan. For this credit, a submeter is defined as a fixed instrument or meter that is continuously collecting energy data. Points are awarded based on the table below.

Points Awarded for Submetering

Points Awarded for Submetering
Greater than 50% and less than 100% of SEUs have submetering for each energy source2 points
100% of SEUs have submetering for each energy source4 points

Resources & Examples

DOE Energy Footprint tool

SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol

SEP Scorecard

The SEP Scorecard Tool (SEP Scorecard Tool currently not available)

SEP EnPI Tool ver 4.0

Copies of the ANSI/MSE 50021-2013 standard, Superior Energy Performance®–Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems, can be purchased from ANSI.