Your development of the SEnPI model, used to determine the energy performance improvement, requires the selection of a valid baseline period. This is in addition to the baseline(s) you developed as part of the energy planning process for your ISO 50001 energy management system (EnMS). ANSI/MSE 50021 and the SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol (M&V Protocol) provide additional requirements related to the SEnPI baseline.
How to do it
The action below will give you guidance on developing an appropriate SEP baseline.
2.8.5 Develop SEP Baseline and reporting period in accordance with M&V protocol
Establishing a baseline provides a reference point for the comparison of your organization’s energy performance over time. For SEP you must develop an appropriate baseline and corresponding reporting period according to the SEP M&V Protocol. This needs to include consistent time periods across months or years for equalized comparison. This task relates to and builds upon task 2.8.1 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management.
Requirements related to the SEP baseline are found in these SEP resources:
ANSI/MSE 50021
Section 4.4.4 requires your organization to develop the appropriate SEP baselines as described in the SEP M&V Protocol. Updates and adjustments to the SEnPI baseline shall be made in conformance with ISO 50001 and the SEP M&V Protocol.
SEP M&V Protocol
Section 3.5.1 specifies the requirements for the time periods related to the SEnPI baseline and reporting periods. In most cases, you must include a complete annual data set for your baseline and reporting periods and these must reflect the same span of months or periods. For example, if the baseline data covers a 12 month period April through March, the reporting period must reflect the same April through March 12 month time span.
Sections 3.4.2 and 3.5.2 identify the conditions and requirements related to time frame adjustments for SEnPI data collection and SEnPI performance evaluation.