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Step 4.5 Correct and prevent nonconformities

Transition to SEP

To fulfill the requirements of ISO 50001 your organization must address nonconformities through corrective and preventive actions. ANSI/MSE 50021 requires you to develop a documented procedure for the corrective action program and there is a Scorecard Credit related to preventive actions. See How to do it.

How to do it

The following action is required to meet the SEP requirements for corrective action:

4.5.4 Develop and maintain a documented procedure for corrective action

You developed corrective and preventive action processes to meet the requirements of ISO 50001. To meet SEP requirements you need to create a documented procedure for corrective action. This action relates to and builds upon task 4.5.1 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management System.

The SEP requirement for developing a corrective action procedure is found in ANSI/MSE 50021:

ANSI/MSE 50021

  • Section 4.6.4 requires that your organization develop and maintain a documented procedure for corrective action. Typically corrective and preventive action programs are closely related and the preventive action program is included in the documented corrective action procedure. However, there is no requirement for a documented preventive action procedure. The Level 2 module on understanding EnMS documentation provides practical guidance, tools and examples for developing documentation and documented procedures.

SEP M&V Protocol

There are no additional requirements related to the SEP M&V Protocol.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

Organizations selecting the Mature Pathway for their certification have an opportunity to acquire SEP Scorecard credits by enhancing the preventive action program within their EnMS. The credit related to the preventive action program is listed below.

Related SEP Scorecard Credits

System Sustainability (SS) Credit 2: Preventive action (2 possible points)

SS Credit 2 Your organization earns points for this credit by identifying trends in energy data and utilizing these data trends to develop energy performance opportunities. These opportunities must be included in the prioritized energy performance opportunity list developed in the Energy Review. The data trends and opportunities must also be included in the preventive action system. Your organization could fulfill this credit by developing a CUSUM (cumulative sum of the differences) analysis for one of your SEUs or any energy system or equipment. CUSUM sums the difference between expected vs. actual performance over time. When the negative slope of the CUSUM trend varies significantly in the positive direction then the reason for this trend change can be investigated, the root cause identified and a plan developed for preventing reoccurrence.

Resources & Examples