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Step 4.1 Measure, monitor and analyze performance metrics

Transition to SEP

ISO 50001 requires your organization to monitor, measure and analyze the key characteristics that determine energy performance (see Step 4.1 in Level 2). ANSI/MSE 50021 requires that you include the SEP energy performance indicator (SEnPI) (see Step 2.7) as a key characteristic. Consequently, the SEnPI must be monitored, measured and analyzed in the same manner as any key characteristic in the EnMS. For guidance on this requirement and a Scorecard Credit related to metrics see How to do it.

How to do it

The following task is associated with implementing measurement, monitoring and analysis of energy performance for SEP:

4.1.12 Include SEnPI as a key characteristic for determining energy performance

For SEP certification, you must include the SEnPI as a key characteristic that determines energy performance. The SEnPI must be monitored, measured, and analyzed. This task relates to and builds upon task 4.1.6 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management, which addresses monitoring and analyzing EnPIs.

Guidance and requirements on measuring, monitoring, and analyzing performance metrics are found in these SEP resources:

ANSI/MSE 50021

  • Section 4.6.1 requires that the SEnPI be included as a key characteristic for determining energy performance. The SEnPI is a measure of overall energy performance and as a key characteristic it must be monitored, measured and analyzed to evaluate energy performance. This necessarily includes monitoring and measurement of the variables included in developing the SEnPI. Both the SEnPI and its associated variables are included in the energy measurement plan. Step 4.1 in Level 2 provides practical guidance, tools and examples for monitoring, measuring and analyzing the key characteristics which can be used for the SEnPI and associated variables.

SEP M&V Protocol

There are no additional requirements related to the SEP M&V Protocol.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

The analysis of the SEnPI will include a calculation of the energy performance improvement and the additional energy intensity improvement (EI) credits within the SEP Scorecard. The minimum improvement required is determined by the pathway and timeframe chosen by your organization. See Step 2.7 Level 3 for more guidance on developing the SEnPI. After initial SEP certification, it is important that during the 3 year achievement period your organization regularly monitor and calculate the SEnPI measured improvement and possible EI points based on the observed trends.

Organizations utilizing the Mature Pathway for SEP certification have an opportunity to acquire SEP Scorecard credits by enhancing the monitoring, measurement and analysis within their EnMS. The credit related to enhanced monitoring, measurement and analysis is listed below.

Related SEP Scorecard Credits

Data Management (DM) Credit 2.1: EnPI Updating (2 possible points)

DM Credit 2.1 To receive points for this credit your organization must monitor, measure and analyze its EnPIs at least monthly. This updating and the subsequent analysis must lead to performance improvement opportunities. ISO 50001 requires regular EnPI monitoring but does not require specific intervals. By monitoring the EnPIs on at least a monthly basis and preferably, more frequently, your organization can identify significant deviations requiring investigation and appropriate handling.

Resources & Examples