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Step 3.4 Address training and communication needs

Transition to SEP

ISO 50001 requires that your organization ensure competent personnel operate and maintain your significant energy uses. Practical guidance to determine this competency is included in task 3.4.1 and task 3.4.2 of Level 2. Where competency is lacking, you must address the need. This is frequently accomplished with training. ANSI/MSE 50021 specifies an additional requirement related to training.

ISO 50001 also requires you develop a process for internal communication related to the EnMS and energy performance and determine the need for external communications. Task 3.4.3 of Level 2 addresses internal communication and task 3.4.4 of Level 2 provides practical guidance, tools and examples for developing external communication processes. ANSI/MSE 50021 has additional requirements regarding external communications in the SEP program. Scorecard Credits related to internal communications are also available.

How to do it

The following tasks are associated with addressing training and communication needs for SEP certification:

3.4.5 Maintain records of training needs for personnel associated with SEUs

Identify and record the training needs for personnel whose work is related to the SEUs. Maintain records of the actions taken to address those needs. This task relates to and builds upon task 3.4.1 and task 3.4.2 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management, which discusses personnel training and awareness.

3.4.6 Develop and implement a process for communicating with the SEP Administrator

SEP certification requires that a process be developed and put in place for communicating with the SEP Administrator. This task relates to task 3.4.4 in Level 2 ISO 50001 Energy Management, which addresses external communications.

Requirements for training and communication are found in these SEP resources:

ANSI/MSE 50021

  • Section 4.5.2 requires your organization to maintain records of training needs identified for personnel (including contractors) related to the control, operation and maintenance of significant energy uses (SEUs). You must also keep records of the actions you implemented to address those needs. Practically, these training needs and actions can be recorded in the HR documents that many organizations keep for their personnel.
  • Section 4.5.3 requires that your organization develop and implement a process for communicating with the SEP Administrator. This communication covers such items as the SEP application process, use of the SEP logo and materials, and certification suspension or revocation. Many of the communication requirements, such as the SEP application, are readily available on the SEP website (

SEP M&V Protocol

There are no additional requirements related to the SEP M&V Protocol.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

Organizations utilizing the Mature Pathway for their achievement have an opportunity to acquire SEP Scorecard credits by enhancing their training and communication practices. The credits for training and communication practices are listed below.

Related SEP Scorecard Credits
System Sustainability (SS) Credit 1.3: Energy professional certifications (2 possible points)
Data Management (DM) Credit 1.1: Data availability (2 possible points)
Data Management (DM) Credit 3.2: Cost centers (4 possible points)

SS Credit 1.3 – To receive the points for this credit, your organization must invest in the expertise of energy management professionals. During the 3 years leading up to certification, your organization must have invested in the training or the hiring of one or more certified professionals in the field of energy management. This education shall include ongoing training required to retain certification. The certified professionals need to utilize their training in your organization’s energy management activities. For a complete list of recognized energy management professionals, please see the SEP Scorecard.

DM Credit 1.1 – Your organization receives the points for this credit by communicating and making the energy review available to personnel whose duties can have a major impact on energy performance. The data and information in the energy review must be readily available in electronic format. This credit can lead to real time improvement in energy performance by promoting the use of energy data and information during work activities.

DM Credit 3.2 – Your organization can receive the points for this credit by communicating energy consumption and cost information to departmental managers and holding them accountable. This practice drives energy management throughout the organization and holds departments or centers accountable for their own activities. Practical implementation will require that your organization install submeters for each energy source used by the department. The data from these submeters must be collected and analyzed, and disseminated to the department heads in appropriate format. The submeters must also be calibrated.

Resources & Examples

SEP Scorecard

Copies of the ANSI/MSE 50021-2013 standard, Superior Energy Performance®–Additional Requirements for Energy Management Systems, can be purchased from ANSI.