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Step 3.5 Establish operational controls

Transition to SEP

The implementation of ISO 50001 requires your organization to determine and maintain the appropriate operational controls and maintenance practices for your significant energy uses (SEUs). There are no additional ANSI/MSE 50021 or SEP Measurement & Verification Protocol (M&V Protocol) requirements but there is a SEP scorecard credit related to maintenance practices.

How to do it

There are no additional requirements related to operational controls but there is one scorecard credit available.

ANSI/MSE 50021

There are no additional requirements related to ANSI/MSE 50021.

SEP M&V Protocol

There are no additional requirements related to the SEP M&V Protocol.

SEP Scorecard Credits for the Mature Pathway

Organizations utilizing the Mature Pathway for their achievement have an opportunity to acquire SEP Scorecard credits by enhancing their maintenance practices within their EnMS. The credit for enhancing maintenance practices is listed below.

Related SEP Scorecard Credits

Significant Energy Use (SU) Credit 4.1: Energy-Efficient Maintenance Practices (2 possible points)

SU Credit 4.1 – Your organization earns the points for this credit by developing and implementing preventive / predictive maintenance practices for significant energy uses. This credit encourages energy efficiency considerations in the maintenance practices of SEUs. These maintenance practices must be included in the maintenance scheduling system and regularly implemented as appropriate. An example is the use of ultrasonic instrumentation to detect air leaks, malfunctioning steam traps or defective bearings on motor shafts.

Resources & Examples